Monday 16 May 2011

Chapter Two: The Hackers' Club

Dante received the invitation in the middle of a game. He was irritated as the invitation blocked his sight, temporarily blinding him. Dante stopped in his steps. He took a quick glance at the invitation and told the invitation, "Reject."

The invitation foled itself up and vanished from Dante's sight. Dante already had a tribe he was content with. He did not want to join another one, especially a one that was called "The Hackers' Club". What kind of name was that? He had a feeling that the tribe would be disbanded by Melibellule and Tigrounette, the game administrators soon.

Dante realised that he had stopped long for sometime. He was the last mouse left in the room. All the others had entered the mouse-hole, except for the Shaman, of course, who was threatening to blast him with a canon ball if he did not enter the hole in the five seconds. Not feeling up to trolling, Dante darted into the mouse-hole and was greeted by red heart-shaped confetti that rained down from behind him.

That was when he heard the Whisper. It was sent to him by a mouse who was called Bernard and only contained two words, "Accept it."

Dante frowned. Accept what? The invitation to the creepy Hackers' club or tribe or whatever? 

"No," Dante sent the Whisper back to the mouse in a firm tone, "No thanks. I already have tribe."

The mouse Bernard's reply was a taunt, "Hah! Scared, little mousey? Frightened of being Banned?" 

A wave of pure fury washed through Dante. He scarcely noticed the next map that was starting. He wanted to track this ridiculous mouse down and shoot a cannon ball through him! How dare he called him a coward! Oh, he'll show that mouse!

"I'm not afraid! I just think your tribe is stupid and weak that's all. I don't want to give up a strong tribe to one run by a weakling!" Dante sent his Whisper loud and clear.

"Oh yeah?" Bernard retorted back as soon as Dante sent his message, "A strong tribe, huh? They obviously don't appreciate your talent, sonny." 

"What the heck is that suppose to mean?" Dante could not afford to be polite anymore with this mouse. Then he realised. The Cheese Gathering, his tribe, had kicked him out. "You are no longer part of the Cheese Gathering tribe," the announcement sounded in his ears.

"How-why-what the," Dante was too shocked to form an coherent sentence. "You wanna go tribeless or you wanna join me tribe?" Bernard Whispered him.  

The invitation to join the Hackers'Club popped up in front of Dante again. Perhaps because he was too angry at his old tribe, Dante told the invite, "Accept!" 

The invitation folded itself and disappeared, as it had done before.

"You are now part of the Hackers' Club," the announcement sounded, followed by the Welcome Message of the Hackers' Club.

"Welcom to the Hackers' Club! We are the most elite tribe in the whole Transformice Universe. Our tribe members have gathered over 1000000000 in total. We only accept the best mice of the Game into our tribe, so absolutely no noobs allowed! We aim to gather 100000000000000 cheese in total so work on, maties! Remember, our homeroom is Room H4x0r and a Discussion is held there every once a week on Thursdays. So, be there...or be kicked out."

The tribe Welcome Message was the strangest one that Dante had ever heard before, which was saying a lot, since Dante had been initiated into dozens of tribes before. After all, what kind of thing was a Discussion? It left Dante standing there, awestruck and dumbfounded until the Shaman knocked him over the edge with a Spirit.

"Come to Room H4x0r now!" Bernard's Whisper was urgent, "A discussion is gonna start." Dante complied; he didn't want to be kicked out again. The kick-out from the Cheese Gathering was the first time he had ever been kicked out of the tribe unwilling and he was determined for that to never happen again.

As Dante entered Room H4x0r, he saw that the Room was filled with mice. There were at least 15 of them in there. Bernard was standing on a raised platform and as the mouse saw Dante enter, he spoke,

"Today, we welcome a new member of our secret and powerful tribe. One more member is one higher chance of bringing victory to the Hackers' War!" The mice gathered erupted into cheers.

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