Saturday 14 May 2011

Chapter 1: A Chance Meeting

Aria was having a bad day.

From the moment she awoke and crawled out of her mouse-hole to join a game, she was hit by numerous canon balls and died at least twenty times. Of course, this could have something to do with her being a newbie, or a noob as the other mice like to say. Well, they could not blame her. She had only been playing this game for three days and had yet mastered it.

If only the Shaman would just stop trolling her, she might even be able to get some cheese. But no, the Shaman always picked on her to troll.

What happened on this map was a good example.

Just as Aria was about to reach the cheese- oh, that delicious cheese was just right in front of her, just need to stretch a bit further- a canon ball with the strength of a small truck slammed into her. "What the..." before she could finish her sentence, she was sent flying straight across the room and landed neatly into the deadly waters.

Aria was numb with disbelief. The map had been so simple; it only involved running across a wooden platform to reach the cheese at the other end. She could have completed it, but she died. Oh, how she hated trolls! Especially troll Shamans!


Dante saw all that had happened. How the nasty killer Shaman had trolled the little mouse and killed her just when she was about to get the cheese.

He did not think it was very fair, since the mouse, Aria, was only a newbie (Dante preferred newbie to noob; it was not as rude) and he doubted that Aria had even managed to get a single piece of cheese. However, he knew, the fact that Aria was a newbie was the exact reason why the Shamans chose to troll her. Newbies were always easy to pick on.

Dante himself was a very experienced mouse. He had been playing for a few months and was a quick learner. He had mastered most of the skills required in the game in those few months, including walljumping.

Walljumping was bane of most mice, Dante had learnt. Most mice took a long time to master it, though Dante thought it was the easiest skill. But most mice were not like him, not as skilfull anyway, so perhaps that was why they took a longer time.

The timer in the map ticked to a halt. The remaining mice in the room were locked in their current positions, frozen.

The map changed. The platform still remained but the cheese was not placed on the platform. It was placed above the platform, high above the platform, over the mices' heads. Dante wondered for a moment what the map was called. He remembered having been told about the name sometime ago. It slipped his mind right now...

"Noob Shaman!" The insult jerked him from his thoughts. He frowned and looked around. That was when he realised that he was the Shaman for this round.

Dante quickly hurried into motion. Just as he was about to summon some planks to build an elevator, a thought came to his mind. He ran until he was standing directly in front of the mouse Aria and instead of summoning planks, he summoned a canon ball.

The canon ball was launched to his right. It took most of the mice by surprise and they were swept away, falling out of sight. He did the same to the mice on his left but since they were prepared, it took a few more canon balls to kill the rest of them. Only Aria was spared.

The insults came more strongly now. Shouts of noob Shaman! stupid Shaman! troll Shaman! and cursed reached his ears. However, Dante ignored them. He glanced at Aria, to see if she was fine and started to construct the elevator. He helped Aria up and they grabbed the cheese. They jumped back into the hole the second before the timer stopped.

"Thank you," a small voice said meekly, "Why did you help me and troll the rest of the mice?" It was Aria.

Dante smiled and replied, "I wanted to teach them a lesson for picking on newbies. Besides, we can't be trolled and die all the time."  

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